Nailsworth & Minchinhampton

Changing Perceptions…

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Nailsworth and Minchinhampton Youth Forum Group currently meets on average every 2 weeks, as follows:

Day: Wednesday

Time: 5.00pm - 6:30pm

Venue: Nailsworth Town Hall

Contact: / 07896 690140

The following young people are SDYC representatives for Nailsworth and Minchinhampton Youth Forum:

Brandon Watkins (Voting)

Megan Land (Voting)

Who We Are

Nailsworth and Minchinhampton Youth Forum was formed during 2014 by Stroud District Council, with the support of the respective youth clubs in Nailsworth and Minchinhampton. This followed much work in the respective communities to bring about a combined group of young people, who would be the recognised collective voice for the diverse needs of young people.

Nailsworth and Minchinhampton are two communities connected geographically by the road, known locally as ‘The W’. Whilst being distinctively different, there are many common aspects amongst the collective youth population, regarding the issues of concern to young people, plus their needs and wants for change – the similarities and differences are what make this local youth forum group unique.

Like the other local youth forum groups in the Stroud district, we enable young people from the aforementioned local communities and surrounding areas, to come together and have a say on issues of concern to all young people between 11 and 18 years. We work on influencing changes and supporting local projects to benefit young people.

We are constantly looking for the views and opinions of all young people that either live in or visit the communities we represent, including the surrounding villages to Nailsworth and Minchinhampton. We are a friendly group, that meet on average every two weeks – if you would like to join us, we would love to have you on board…please get in touch (see contact details or click here).

We are supported by the youth work team at Stroud District Council.

Our Projects

In recent times, we’ve organised a summer BBQ and activities programme for families in the Forest Green area of Nailsworth (Summer 2021) – this brought a number of other organisations together including, Homestart, Forest Green Rovers and world Jungle. We have a good relationship with the Community Roots organisation with regards to community organising and tackling issues of anti-social behaviour.

We have also been consulted on various local matters and projects led by adult organisations and are now planning our programme of action for the year ahead. Why not come and join us!?

If you don’t want to join but you’ve got something you’d like the group to discuss or work towards you can let us know here.

All our Local Youth Forum Groups offer you the opportunity to become a Youth Voice Representative on the Stroud District Youth Council, you can find out more here.