Gloucestershire Constabulary
Gloucestershire Constabulary and Police and Crime Commissioner
Issues for young people concerning community safety have long been acknowledged by Police and related partnerships. The support from Stroud Community Safety Partnership, for young people having a voice and being heard in the Stroud district has been an historic cornerstone in the development of SDYC and the local youth forum groups.
Young people’s interaction directly with the Police in communities is common, with our local youth forum groups advocating of behalf of those local to them. This is often seen through community consultations, road traffic speeding initiatives and occasionally neighbourhood watch programmes.
Each local youth forum group will endeavour to attend Police neighbourhood management panels alongside adult stakeholders, to help set policing priorities for the area.
SDYC have held discussions with Martin Surl, Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner on a range of specific matters and were heartened to learn that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner police and crime five year plan includes the priorities relating to, ‘young people becoming adults’; ‘cyber crime’; and ‘safe and social driving’.
OPCC website –
SDYC Elected members at Waterwells Police HQ - 2018